Monday, July 25, 2005

Why Time Machines are Dumb

Hey this is funny! Click on 'thoughts' for some very out-there ideas, like:
Let's just imagine for a second that I had invented a time machine. If I set my machine up in Seattle and send an apple back in time 1 hour, odds are that it'll end up somewhere in North Dakota.

See, our earth is rotating at a speed of about 1,035MPH (at the equator). The spatial position the apple was in an hour before it was transported was previously occupied by the midwest.

Well, that's not even quite right. Our Earth is hurtling around the sun at a blistering 67,000MPH. If you were to send something back in time just 1 minute, it would materialize 1,117 miles away from where it started.

Moreover, our sun is moving about the galaxy at just a smidge under ten times the speed of the planet. Basically, sending objects back or forward in time just a few seconds is a one-way ticket into outer space (or the middle of the planet if you don't jump far enough). For terrestrials, it is an entirely useless means of manipulating your time line, but NASA may do well to look into this as a very reliable way of getting objects into space with minimal fuss."

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