Saturday, December 10, 2005

X-Mas all the way

Christmas is not a holiday that just comes and goes by in a night. For a start there’s christmas eve, christmas day and (at least in the Netherlands) another christmas day; Of course, there’s also the run-up to christmas. You would see christmas lights hanging in every window, over every street and on billboards. Christmas songs sound everywhere. Christmas trees are up all over the place. And here’s the kicker… it all starts over a month and a half before the holidays start proper.

With the seasons and the climate all screwed-up, christmas fever runs higher than ever. We’re looking so much for some stable values that we cannot rely on the weather anymore… or society for that matter. So much so that we are so eager to start the only holiday that everybody in the (western) world cares about, that we start looking forward to it six weeks before or earlier even. Or maybe it’s because everything is so bloody expensive we need to spread it out over a longer period of time just to make ends meet.

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