Whenever two consultants meet for the first time, they will try to size each other up. It's a bit like two dogs sniffing each others crotch to determine who is the Alpha, and who is the submissive.
Usually this means consultants introduce themselves by career level, tenure, engagements they've been in, people they know and so on.
A conversation would go something like this:
Consultant A: Hello, I am So-and-So.
Consultant B: Nice to meet you, So-and-so. My name is John. John Doe. (with the undertone: why don't you know me in the first place man?) What are you doing?
A: I am currently senior manager for a multi-million dollar Random company. I lead the team that covers operations for half of the continent.
B: Is that right? I am department head of anotherRandomCompany.com, our recently started joint venture. I work with BigWig A, BigWig B, and report to Hugo G. Partner.
A: Wow, nice. Ehm... hey, you know what? I'm gonna talk to someone who looks smaller than me.
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