Thursday, January 24, 2008

Live Fast, Die Young, Leave a Good Looking Corpse

We're hardly out of the New Years mess, and already we've got two contemporaries pushing daisies (non-firework related of course). Brad Renfro and Heath Ledger are two twenty somethings that were good names out in Hollywood, and were looking to make headway into a significant movie career (well, at least Ledger did). We still don't know what happened, but usually if the media can't explain the cause of death, they always have the big old standbys:
  • open jar of "sleeping pills"
  • loaded revolver
Because how else can anybody come to grips with death, about 40 years before the tax office gives you a break?

This fascination with trying to find out why (young) people died, is understandable (because if self-preservation is your thing, you don't want to end up with the same objects in the same room); however this fascination is too easily placated by those standbys. That cannot and should not be the case. We should have more tolerance for the real. We should not be afraid or lazy to ask more, to delve deeper.

1 comment:

Niels said...

Hi Sidney,

It's been a while, but I have been following your musings regularly. This one seemed to familiar to leave it hanging on the web. "Live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse" is something a former manager of mine (still works at the firm) used to say. Did you work with Joa too? Anyways, he probably borrowed it from somebody else.
