Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Vista is (the) shit

After finally getting to know Windows Vista a little bit, I can tell you one thing... and it's in the title of the article.

There's actually a lot to like. It looks very good and is quite helpful in making people remember the little tasks people should do on their computers. You know, simple things like updating drivers, and installing a virus scanner. I like the idea of having the performance index, which is a nice way of stimulating you to buy more hardware.

However Vista is far too smart for its own good. It keeps asking you if you really wanted to rename that file. YES, I DID. THAT'S WHY I CLICKED ON RENAME. And then it asks you again. Vista's Media Player is also extremely defensive, blocking all other applications from taking its music file associations. EVEN IF YOU DELIBERATELY INSTALL A SPECIFIC APPLICATION FOR IT.

Thing is, Vista is just trying to protect itself. However it is doing so by assuming the user in front of the screen is a complete moron. Considering I am the user, I find that highly insulting.

Vista as it is, will never be a viable option for business. It takes too many clicks to do something simple. Many clicks take time. Time is money. And more phrases like that.

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