Thursday, August 12, 2010

Questions about success

If you want to be successful, there's a price to pay. There's sacrifices to make. However is losing common sense one of them? Do you need to leave the personal behind? Remove yourself from the human interest, and focus on the business at hand?

Managers always talk about needing to have a helicopter-view, have broader perspective, taking more interests to heart, than just the petty rumours and gripes. Does that mean you also start seeing people as mere numbers? I understand you need to be ambitious and tenacious, but do you have to be ruthless?

Success is a choice. You can make it easier if you are willing to cross some borders, crush all opposition, be business-like, even if it makes you a douche. But success can also be attained while remaining true to yourself. You can be demanding, but respectful. It's a harder path to follow, and not for the impatient. But it is ultimately far more rewarding.

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