Saturday, September 09, 2006

Necessary Excuse

Excuses drive relationships more than you can imagine. For nearly all instances in life, you're going to need an excuse just to get together. It might be a birthday, a wedding, a funeral, an anniversary. You now need an excuse just to talk to someone, be it in a store (you want to buy goods), in a bar (you want to pick someone up), or in sports (you want to win).

It can't just be any excuse either. For one you need to get away with it. Car salesmen generally don't sell cars to shabbily dressed people, no matter how much money they prove to have on their bank accounts. The excuse also has to be socially acceptable and match the desired outcome of the relationship. You can tell your boss you need a vacation, just before the holiday season. You cannot tell him you need time off, just to play a video game at home or do grocery shopping.

In all this the excuse does not necessarily have to be true. It just has to be acceptable enough to get things running along. (Although I must say, for most people the truth is a lot easier to keep up with than a lie)

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