Monday, October 30, 2006

Special offer, just for you

The country's biggest grocer currently sells an analogy for life itself! It's true! It's amazing! It's a... salad?

Just like life the salad has the potential of tasting great. In fact there's all kinds of hidden treasures that - when found - make the whole taste wonderful: cheese, dressing, croutons, pepper and so on. Unfortunately, you need to look for the extras, because they are indeed hidden beneath a thick layer of lettuce. Just like life, you need to dig these out yourself.

Also you have to remember to find these extra bags, and find all of these in time. If you don't, either you end up eating plastic, or you end up with a big mess (dressing all over the kitchen table).

And all for just EUR 5.99

Sunday, October 29, 2006

World Series... missed it

Ehm... The St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series... well that's okay. Now usually I would do this schtick, in which I predict the winner on the basis of the heart, the head and the gut. But unfortunately the playoffs were so uneventful, I completely missed the part.

Now I think I would have bet money on the Detroit Tigers to win, solely because they were the best team in the majors for a big part of the season and had the better story (from perennial losers to champions in the space of a season). The Cardinals had the star power (well... Albert Pujols, and he didn't turn out that good for the Series) and were the cream of the NL crop for the last three, four seasons so they did have a good argument as well....

But with the Series already behind us, let's just call this one a no-show, and move on.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Warning! Bad Poetry Ahead

I can rationalize this to the bone
To myself I keep saying
That the opportunities I missed
Weren't mine for the taking

But if I were truly honest
I realize that all I feel
Is a great sadness and
A desperation that is very real

Glances and short remarks
Meetings all too brief
So sad to see you go
But love to see you leave

Monday, October 23, 2006

Swedish humour

I read Ikea bases its products' names on certain themes. For example cupboards are named after boys' names, while lamps are based on musical instruments.

Of course it wouldn't be Ikea if they didn't put an Swedish slant on it. Sometimes this has funny results:
  • KULL

Friday, October 20, 2006

Goodbye And Again

Lately it seems that job hopping is back in vogue. Several colleagues, people I see at work, move on. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes it's forced, but it's always a moment of reflection.

Thing is, the departures of people I see and speak to on a somewhat regular basis obviously draw my attention, but I'm also forced to acknowledge the departures of people that I don't even know. Money is collected for the leaving parties, drinks are passed around, stories are told to anyone within a ten mile radius. Why, I can't even fathom. Even worse, I can't imagine why suddenly I should start caring.

Of course, if you're anything like a nice person, you go along. Also opportunities for drinking are always appreciated.

Now the opposite end of the spectrum is trying to deny the existence of people leaving completely. Co-workers don't leave, they disappear. At best you find out months later that people that you need advise from, or would like to know where they hang out, aren't where you expect them to be anymore.

The shitty thing is that you know people are gone, or going away. Not acknowledging that doesn't make those facts more untrue. And if you're anyway inclined to think in terms of conspiracies (like me) you lose trust in your working environment.

I hope things eventually even out, regardless of corporate culture. Forcing people to acknowledge someone's departure, or hiding it from plain sight; either way it's insulting.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Life On The Road

The more you travel by car, the more you're gonna see the world, life and everything in parallels to driving. For example:
  • in heavy traffic you're going to guess which lane is moving the fastest; and you will nearly always be in the wrong lane
  • some drivers will help you and let you pass; others will block you or run you off the road
  • depending on your inclination you can keep to your speed limits or you can choose to go past it... way past; likewise you can choose to stick and abide to the law or ignore it
  • you wanna take risks? by all means... those are the guys who don't really pay attention to the road and other drivers, race 150 km/h, pass left and right, take bends at insane speeds... either way you get a lot of attention.
  • some drivers look very attractive, others should fit their cars with blinds; same in life...
  • some cars look amazing, and much like life some careers or achievements look amazing...
  • sometimes you're stuck behind a truck, being slowed down, blocking your sight...
  • and eventually you can get to drive on the open road, free to do whatever you want, wherever you want to go...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Yo momma is so unlucky

...bad luck changes from Friday the 13th to the next day just for for her...

I mean, I've been real careful not to do anything significant on Friday the 13th, although I was fully expecting to get a serious speeding ticket, getting fired, or getting robbed this day. However, instead I:
  • got taken down by a speed camera at 105 in a 100 zone
  • missed package deliveries I was waiting for
on the very next day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Top of the Pops

I can't help it, but I keep laughing at that North Korean newscaster woman who proudly announced the successful nuclear test her nation's scientists were able to complete.

Her tone, her demeanor was so dripping of the worst kind of propaganda, it's ridiculous. Of course, seeing it over here, I can hardly understand how anyone could actually fall for that silly tone. If they would do it over here, most Dutch people would just switch channels, and chalk it up to the comedy factory or something.

Then again, I ain't North Korean, so I wouldn't know if someone over there could appreciate irony, sarcasm and the like.

The Grand Poobah from PyongYang doesn't really care much for working together with the rest of the world, so all these eternal damnations, calls for embargos aren't effective.
It doesn't hurt. Kim couldn't care less.

And in the meanwhile all the attention is drawn away from Iran. It's a lot like the Billboard Top 100, but instead of the latest hypes in music, it's the latest hypes in people to piss off. Iran was on top of the charts a month ago, but now North Korea are on top of the mountain.

The thing is - even in international diplomacy and global politics - any publicity is better than no publicity.

In two months I guess Venezuela will be making another jump in the charts. You can certainly count on one dictator trying to up-end another, just for the fun of it. After all: Who pisses off Kofi and George and Tony and Vladimir the most?

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sheer Strength

Frustratingly lifting stuff into my home I realize one single truth: I'm stronger than most people would give me credit for, but I'm weaker than I often need.

Now this is difficult, because on the one hand you'd be surprised by the amount of work I can pick up, the stuff I can carry, the responsibilities I can handle. It's just that because others don't think I can I have to take control of it myself.

On the other hand when I actually have to lift some stuff to the first floor, lead a group of people, fight a strong opponent, then I have to come to the conclusion that I lack just that power to accomplish that task. Which is a big disappointment if people expect me to complete one actually.

The only thing I can do is just continue my training. Maybe train more the stuff that's not that strong yet... if I can find it.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I'm getting old

You've got these ringtones you can order, which supposedly "your parents and your teachers can't hear" because the frequency is set so high. So let's give it a try...

I can't hear a thing.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fundamental differences

Techies and business consultants don't get along.

There. I've said it.

When it comes down to it, consultants are supposed to know a lot about a lot of different aspects in the workplace. In IT projects it means consultants should know about the client expectations, profit margins, work estimations, deadlines, requirements, business processes... and the IT systems. That's a whole lot to do. They've got a lot of responsibility, because a lot of people attribute it to them.

In IT projects techies are usually subject matter experts, the workhorses who operate the buttons, make the code. Occasionally they're even the artists, working magic, where magic has no business of being there. But their scope is limited. Whether they want to or not, they are hardly responsible for anything other than the system.

Usually consultants have too much on their plates to be experts at anything, so models, tools and methodologies have been created to streamline their activities across all areas. And rightly so. However IT is a business where there is no standardized way of working. In fact there may never be, because IT moves so fast. Techies have a hard time dealing with it themselves, so they need to train, read up, go to conferences and workshops.

What chance do consultants have then? They're responsible for something that they essentially have little to no control over. The only way to gain a modicum of control is to utilize outdated methodologies, or models which have no real practical application in IT. And that insults the tech experts.

The tragic thing is that consultants and techies know that a better way to work exists, but everybody is too driven by other factors to actually do something about it, be it deadlines, peer pressure, contract disputes and so on.

And so the conflict continues.

Monday, October 02, 2006

A very special day

When you were a small child the most important dates on your calendar were
  • your own birthday (you would get presents, grandma and grandpa would visit, you could invite all your best friends to come over, etc.)
  • christmas (same reasons, except everyone would come over without you needing to bother with invitations)
  • new years (any day where can stay up late, is cool)
Now you're older every date seems like an important day. If you're married, you better remember your spouse's birthday and your wedding day. You've got a day for the animals, the fathers, the mothers, gay pride, pink ribbon day, aids awareness, Independence Day, Superbowl Sunday, Liberation Day, 9-11, 7-7, march1, etc.

And you're in even more trouble if your favorite date happens to be for example your birthday, and then something like an assassination on a politician occurs on the same day.

You here's a question: how bad does some event have to be, before it overshadows an otherwise good day?

Worse yet, how climactic does it have to get before we have to invent a completely new calendar?