Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More sports observations

  • Tiger won another one. Apparently he won after coming back from tons of shots down on day one. And he did so playing on half a knee. And instead of golf clubs he used a tree branch. Aren't the media playing this up more than it needs to be?
  • I'm surprised the media didn't play up the revenge aspect of Holland - Romania more. I mean Romania did beat Holland for top spot in the qualification group right? Especially since Holland didn't have anything left to play for, having already qualified for the quarter finals, they could have used another reason for motivating the troops. Instead the media only discussed whether or not Holland would throw the game. Interest in the game waned because of it. Too bad. The momentum from the Italy and France games could have been used here as well, and would have carried into the quarter final match.
  • Celtics won another one, contrary to what I expected (11-4). There's a simple reason I missed this prediction: I underestimated how good of a player Paul Pierce would be in the series, overshadowing everybody else, including Kobe and the Big Ticket.

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