Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Naivete, or the art of trust and respect

Having grown up in the city I always lock up my home, my car, my bike, OCD-style. I'm not always open armed to strangers and beggars. I even expect people around me to act the same.

Now when I move to more rural areas, people actually are nicer, and more open, and more welcoming to strangers. I even find it weird when they do so, without demanding or expecting something in return.

But when they move to the city, they really can't afford to act like home. If they do, they get robbed, stabbed, ripped off, thrown out and kicked to the kerb. However, they are not in the wrong. Their way is the right way. It just doesn't work anymore in a different environment, where values have gone south... or west... somewhere else than back home, out in the country.

Sad really. For us.

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