Monday, August 23, 2010

Always An Out

Once you move beyond a certain level in your career, you have to make a choice. Forge a strategy to progress, or don't. The latter leaves it up to whatever higher power you follow, how far you'll get in your career. The former puts you in the driver's seat.

The thing with strategies is that they might not pan out. Depending on visibility or importance of saving face, losing varies from indifferent to severely damaging to one's career. And so strategists will also try to gauge their outs. "What are the possible outcomes of my strategy, and do I need an escape plan should those turn out negative."

Of course, when you really look at the big picture, do you really NEED those outs? Does anybody CARE if you have outs?

The informed strategist can estimate the chances of success, the risks involved, and apply proper actions and mitigations depending on what comes along and what the results are.

The truly enlightened has only one course of action.

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