Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chic beats pragmatism beats boring

The iPhone 4 is a controversial product. It looks good, the retina display is really sharp, and it just feels and operates like a charm. People with iPhones have more sex than people with any other phone. Nevermind that nobody actually owns a phone other than the iPhone...

But the "You're holding it wrong" meme really propelled it into new levels of notoriety. The reception quality for such a high-end phone is disappointing. And with everyone having one, wanting one or getting one, you're not standing among the crowd with an iPhone 4.

Okay, you might get a Windows Mobile 7 phone. Or maybe an Android phone. But you'd be judged a little bit boring. Maybe you should get the next generation iPhone instead. Only this time the lines in front of the Apple stores will stretch across the city.

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