Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Skewed Priorities

I work with a lot of foreign colleagues, who all wonder why the Dutch are such limited eaters. For many Dutch people a lunch consists of a cold sandwich, with a piece of cheese, and if you are lucky, some butter as well.

That's it. Also this sandwich costs 1.50 EUR. Unless you prepare a couple of sandwiches at home of course.

Compare this to France, where lunch and dinner are almost equivalent in length, and also just as important. Two-course, three-course, big slabs of meat, succulent pieces of fish, carefully marinated and prepared to the best possible standards. Compare this to Asia, where in virtually no time at all a well prepared dish is served, with copious amounts of rice, pastes and spices.

The French lunch is not cheap, but you're getting what you are paying for. However the Asians have taken cheap lunches to the next level. For the price of two sandwiches in Holland, you can get a proper Karaage Beef on Fried Rice, plus soup and various condiments.

I believe that the priorities of a nation are reflected in the food and in the dishes of its inhabitants. In this case the Dutch are clearly a reflection of their lunches. Basic, and you're getting just enough, and not a grain more.

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