Saturday, May 28, 2011

The HHG: NBA Finals 2011

Hmmm... I might as well recycle the HHG of 2006 for this one... Maybe not.

The Heart hopes Dallas gets the championship, and makes good on what happened five years ago. And Dirk and J-Kidd deserve to get championship rings. And LeBron needs to wait a year before winning his, after his ridiculous off-season decision making.

The Head thinks that Miami is too strong when the Big Three are in the starting line-up. LeBron, D-Wade and CB4 can really overpower their counterparts. It's difficult to see who the Mavs will use to match up consistently, apart from Nowitzki.

The Gut feels that Miami will win again, repeating their 2006 success. And LeBron will silence his critics and justify his charade this past summer with a championship ring.

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