Saturday, May 06, 2006

My Favorite Euphemisms

You want to say something, but you cannot say it out loud, because it might generate arguments, force undesired behaviour, or actually hurt people and the like. Ah, the power of the euphemism is great, and if used correctly can be of use to you, little grasshopper. Here's a couple of examples:
  • Girl replies to good (male) friend's request to go out once: Let's stay friends (as in: you're never going to get in my pants, buddy)
  • Managers who end e-mails with: Thank you in advance (as in: do it, and do it now)
  • Company taglines: People are our most important asset (as in: we're going to make some very unpopular decisions soon)
Also check here for more euphemisms, albeit in a business setting.

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