Saturday, September 15, 2007

Change of venue

Getting bored is as much a choice as it is a condition, but there are ways to stimulate boredom easily. Going out to the same location or bar or café each and every week is the one that does it for me. I like a change of venue every once in a while.

Coming back to places I've been to - also a change of venue - can sometimes surprise you in a good way. Back in the college days me and my friends have been going to this live music bar on a fairly regular basis. It was quite good for a while, but it got boring (not too mention too expensive for a student budget).

So I have not gone there for a number of years, until recently. It was a nice change of pace, and it was good. To tell you the truth, I might actually fit better there now, than a couple of years ago...

So all in all, change is good. Even if you're changing back.

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