Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ignore of be indifferent

I did say conflict was the greatest motivator for mankind to get forward, but a bombing, a kidnapping as they're doing right now in Mumbai is overdoing it.

Thing is, it's rather quiet on the news front west of the Indian Ocean. Yes, it's the headline news. Yes, it is a terrorist attack. Yes, we've got the condemnment from Bush (for whatever it's worth). But where's the 24-hour broadcast? Where's the righteous indignation? Where's the minute of silence? Was it too early? Is it too far off? Or is the media not cramming it down our throats much?

There's people who would like to keep the peace, and there's the people who are looking and actively seeking out conflict. Seems like the latter ones get what they want by default, unless they can't find anyone with a viewpoint different from theirs. Because then everybody will be indifferent to your plight.

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