Wednesday, October 14, 2009

When A Bank Dies, Who Thinks About The Children?

The crash of the DSB Bank makes painfully clear how easy it is to bring down an institution. It's a crisis in pocket-sized form. Just tell everyone at the bank that their money isn't safe/profitable/is getting stolen, and if more than a critical mass of people believe you, the bank is a goner.

I think at some point some economics undergraduate will make a thesis on calculating the critical percentage of bank capital for it to survive. It probably already exists, but will have to be updated with this new business case. Seriously. It only took one news article and a television interview to bring the house down.

Strangely enough the imminent foreclosure of the bank first brought attention to the athletes (ice skaters and soccer players) who were sponsored by the bank. Like they were hurt most.

The athletes were given more attention than the 2000 people who are about to lose their jobs.

Hell. The bank owner's dog got more attention than the bank employees.

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