Monday, November 02, 2009

Father, Hero, Nuff Said

I have this slightly annoying trait of turning on hero mode whenever women around me start crying, getting overly excited, anxious; or something bad happens to them; or if they just need help... terribly. At that point I pretty much become my father, or more accurately, any father with daughters, fighting to keep them safe, trying to solve their problem or listening to their plight.

Why is this slightly annoying? Because it is FREAKIN' TIRING trying to solve every girl's problems. And I don't even get to see the upside, because I'm BLOODY SUPERMAN, which means I'm too freakin' noble to want any rewards in return. And there's not a lot girls need to do either to trigger this conduct. Just show a little cleavage, turn on the waterworks, or look a little bit like you're in despair, and there I go.

Of course, this is totally an invitation to seduce your way to my attention and my services.

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