Sunday, September 17, 2006

No purpose

Another scary thing: there's this relatively straight-minded, older man. He went to proper schools, received higher education, worked for decades at the highest level possible.

He has to give a speech to millions of viewers, in which he will make controversial statements to say the very least. And indeed more than half the world is furious with him.

I'm pretty sure this guy expected the negative outbursts directed towards him. If he didn't, he's either very naive or painfully stubborn. So that means he had an agenda with his statements, and for the life of me, I can't figure out what that agenda could be. Is he trying to show macho behaviour? Is he trying to defend his cause? Draw a line in the sand? Mirror the opposition?

All I can say is, I fail to see the purpose of his statements. All I see is Vince McMahon challenging Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 22, and then getting his ass kicked from a 15 foot ladder.

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