Friday, December 01, 2006

Paid in trust

I think I already mentioned before that I don't really get how money works. Of course I followed the economics classes, went to business school, learned all the theories; but fundamentally the essence of money still eludes me.

Yup, all the cliches still apply. The world needs to go round; and yes I know it is not the most important thing... but it definitely makes things easier and more convenient, which is basically all people are looking for.

The very convenience of money is not having to explain yourself to everyone, everytime in order to get a cup of coffee. People are not charitable I found. Hospitable yes, charitable very rarely. People will only give you stuff if they believe that you are worth it, and are trustworthy.

I guess you could convince that rich, old great uncle to give you food and a place to stay; and if you are good at walking upright in front of leery photographers, you could be a model and have designer couturiers make dresses specially for you. But if you don't have the luxury of a rich family with real estate, or good genes and long legs, money is a good substitute for paying the rent, or actually wearing something nice to the next company party.

Ideally you never need any money. People should happily surrender what you need to you, just because you're such a nice guy. You wanna go somewhere? Taxi brings you there. You want to get into a concert? Bouncer opens the door specially for you. Hungry? Jamie Oliver brings you his best dish, because you're such good mates.

However, if you don't want to be bothered with convincing, building trust or anything in that department, you can always turn to some hard-earned dollars/euros to accomplish the same... you can still get to the airport, you can still listen to Joss Stone, and you can still fill your stomach with a chicken sandwich; it just won't be given to you outright.

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