Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Careless Whisper

Another example that television really screws up our youths (or in this case, me)...

There's this unwritten rule in television shows that the hero figure is either
  • a loudmouth, gung-ho, loner-type action hero; lack of respect towards authority comes as a bonus
  • a brooding, mysterious dark stranger; no affiliation to anyone
And both, coming face to face with their adversary of the week, start spouting their threats... in a tone that I can best describe as whispering.

Now, in all my career so far no one has ever looked, seemed, or sounded menacing or intimidating or even charismatic enough, by whispering to everyone else. Everybody always has to shout.

Thanks to television, my description of a hero is forever tainted. An admirable person in fiction is someone who doesn't need to speak loudly. In real life, the people we most admire are the ones who speak most clearly. Not necessarily loudly, but definitely not whispering.

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