Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Appeal of Japanese Schoolgirls

Can someone please explain to me the logic behind the lyrics of Japanese pop songs? Walk into any karaoke bar, order a Japanese video CD, and marvel in the total ridiculousness of the songs unfolding in front of you. 

If you're lucky you might see some translation running at the bottom of your screen, but seriously you can't take those words very seriously. Honestly you'd think the translation office had a fresh delivery of weed coming in when they were recording this song. I mean: girls are singing about their boyfriends, but also about their desire to make their homework? And are comparing their houses with a penguin in the local zoo? The logic is all over the place. No, actually it's completely lost. 

I guess the saving grace of these video clips are the Japanese schoolgirls, who are smiling all over the screen MTV-style. That almost takes away your attention from the song. Catholic schoolgirls have got nothing on a tough girl from Tokyo.  

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