Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Theme of 2010

The first year of a new decade is met with some optimism. Maybe this is the year we'll finally get out of the banking crisis, the year we turn climate change around, get married, get a promotion, get children. But considering what actually happened this year (locally), I cannot come to any other conclusion that we've had a year of missed chances.
  • Lost World Cup Final. Didn't win World Cup hosting rights. Kramer missing his lane switch.
  • A government that promised change, really didn't change anything. Even almost turned the clock back to 2002, by almost imploding.
  • The economic upturn got a bit sidetracked by a myriad of concerns... like entire countries that actually can't pay for shit anymore.
So I don't think it's strange to take a look around the world how other folks are doing. I'm off!

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