Sunday, January 22, 2006

Out with the old, in with the new

Slowly but surely my car is breaking down. It started a couple of months ago with the v-belt singing, then the torque seemed to flail in second gear. Now in the space of two weeks I've found that my head light is cracked, my oil measurement stick is broken and my wiper is ripped. Thing is, I don't care.

I've found that the longer I drive the car, the less careful I am with it. You should've seen me way back then, I would be hesitant to take it out near grass or puddles. Now I don't even wash it anymore. How similar this is to other things as well, including mobile devices, glasses, your job, friends and family, your relationship, your life.

That's not really how we should go about things right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right...

In time you do get sloppier with stuff like that. Especially lease cars in our line of work seem to get the short straw when being taken care off... But why? They're free, you can take them to the dealer for free anytime there's something wrong. And it's not like we can't afford having it washed once in a while.

Thing is, as soon as you start paying some attention to it and having things fixed, cleaning it out once in a while, you enjoy it more. And from that spawns a bond. Before you know it, you'll be sad to say goodbye to the old thing... Even though a shiny new, bigger, faster is waiting to be (ab)used...

Same with family and friends... If you pay a little more attention to them and put a little effort into them, a lot is returned... You enjoy more; and isn't that what it's all about?
