Monday, January 30, 2006

Soccer sucks... except when we win

Soccer used to be so riveting. In the early nineties I kept track of all the leagues and all the competitions all over the world. (Yes, all of them) I also followed a certain team from Amsterdam and a certain team from Manchester religiously. I was so bummed out if they lost, and so happy if they won. Today I couldn't care less if they lost 4-1.

The sport doesn't really interest me anymore. For one, there's too much of it on television and the newspapers. Games used to be special. For example, there were only six Champions League games per season, if you were lucky. Now there's some kind of game on every single day. And certainly not all of them good.
Another point is that I've already experienced the best and the worst games and plot lines for my favorite teams. Young, talented team defeating the tough, exotic and dominant side? Been there. Last minute victory snatched from the jaws of defeat? Done that. Losing to a clearly worse side? Old hat by now. After a while you've seen all the ways a football game can run, and nothing really surprises you.

Fortunately there's one thing I haven't experienced yet in soccer, and that's a world championship. Here's hoping Holland wins it all this summer! For that I will gladly pick up my football-watching glasses again.

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