Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Diplomacy for non-diplomats

Everybody is so easily agitated nowadays. You draw up something or you say something, and somebody else is bound to get insulted. It's almost like you have to be a political diplomat to get around without getting stabbed.

Indeed paying kudos to everyone you meet even on a cursory basis is very important now. Nothing you say or do can be about placing yourself higher than the other, because that might be insulting. At the very least you are equals, but if possible you have to place the other on a higher plateau.

I’m not advocating you put yourself down. That doesn’t build respect; it might build pity, but that’s a very unstable platform to stand on. I’m also not advocating you sell yourself short. People won’t find anything interesting about you, and that doesn't get you anywhere.

Finally all this doesn’t mean you have to like everyone. I’m a firm believer in surrounding yourself only with people who are worth your time, but cutting ties is done clean. No worries, no regrets. Naturally.

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