Thursday, April 06, 2006

If I were traffic and mobility minister

If I were traffic and mobility minister I would pass the following legislation:
  • In case of a head-tail collision (i.e. usually tailgating), instead of the back car bearing all of the blame, all the blame will fall squarely on the car in front.
    In case of a collision between two cars side-by-side, the car on the left-most lane takes all the blame. This will discourage people to drive on the left lane so much, and especially drive slowly on the left lane.
  • However the cost of damages as the result of any collision where speeds have exceeded the limit, is not insured, similar to the situation in Germany. Then the rules as they exist now return to effect.
The basic idea is to promote a smooth traffic flow, keeping slow traffic where it belongs (i.e. not on the left lane); at the same time, we don't want to promote street racing and in fact it is your own damn fault if you get into an accident because of speeding. And if you get others into an accident because of your speeding, you should by all means be forced to pay for damages of all parties.

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